Welcome To The American Charter

The American Charter of Freedom of Religion and Conscience is the focus of a two-year collaborative project that aims to:

  • Restore civility to public discourse on freedom of religion and conscience in American society.
  • Explore the meaning and value of freedom of religion and conscience as a foundation of American democracy and global prosperity.
  • Build an interreligious, bipartisan coalition of support that affirms freedom of religion and conscience as a vital safeguard for people of all faiths and none.
During this time of polarization, we believe that the principles of freedom of religion and conscience are more important than they have ever been. We urgently need to work together to restore civility and respect to our public discourse. These are necessary to strengthen vital protections for religion and conscience and to shore up our understanding that despite great diversity of views, opinions, and beliefs all Americans can live together in peace and with mutual respect.

For these reasons the American Charter project is committed to restoring a better way for people of different religious backgrounds, traditions, and beliefs to engage with one another on a wide range of issues, especially those issues that involve the many societal benefits of freedom of religion and conscience. The Charter does not advance any particular faith. It does not advance any particular political party or agenda. Instead, we intend for it to foster the good will we believe many, many Americans still have for one another – and to help us find new ways to work together despite our differing views and opinions.